How to properly care for and maintain your logging mats
June 19, 2022

Logging mats are an essential part of your job site infrastructure but can be a substantial investment. To get the most from your logging mats, taking a few precautions and extra care in their maintenance can extend their lifespan. In some circumstances and more extreme environments, timber mats may only last a year and a half. By implementing standardized maintenance processes, enterprises can extend the usable life of their logging mats up to four years or longer.

Proper cleaning

Cleaning is one of the most important things to care for your logging mat and the environment surrounding the project site. Logging mats allow you to stop contaminants from seeping from the job site into the groundwater. They also prevent equipment from eroding wet and muddy ground. However, they can collect plant growth and insects after a few days in storage or at a job site.

Cleaning logging mats when you pull them out of storage prevents the introduction of non-native and invasive species into new habitats.

When removing timber mats from a job site, shake off the large pieces of debris, then use a broom to brush away insects and plant growth. As a final step, power washing ensures that the mats are clean and clear of insects, plants, and seeds before being relocated. Use a pressure washer after taking mats out of storage and before leaving a project site.

After logging

Care while transporting

Depending on your industry, you may need to move your timber mats between project sites. Careless transportation puts unnecessary strain and stress on the mats and can shorten their lifespan. Taking a few extra steps for proper transport will reduce wear and tear.

Logging mats can be stacked on trucks or rail cars using the lifting bolts. Stacking on a flatbed is the ideal way to move between job sites. It’s important to use tie-down straps to keep the mats stable and minimize the jostling during transport to keep the timber in pristine condition.

Proper installation

When a job site rushes the installation of logging mats or doesn’t use proper installation techniques, they don’t get all the benefits of using them. Improper installation causes excessive wear and tear that might shorten the usable lifespan of the mats.

  • The ends of the mats should run parallel to the direction of travel
  • Mats should completely cover wet or muddy areas to dry ground
  • Use excavators and skid steers to clear the land where the timber mats will go and ensure they lay flat
  • Move the logging mats using the transport bolts instead of grabbing them by the timber

Train team members on proper handling and use of timber mats to ensure they won’t get damaged during installation. It will also help minimize the wear and tear over time, so they stay in good condition and maximize their lifespan.

Future toothpicks

Storage conditions

Even the way you store your mats can impact their condition when you’re ready to install them at your next project site. Keeping them in a dry area where they are safe from extreme temperatures will prevent them from excessive expansion and shrinking, which can degrade the steel joints. It’s also essential to clean mats before putting them into storage. Leaving them with organic matter can rot the wood.

Contact Phoenix Mat to order durable logging mats in Indiana and across the Midwest.

At Phoenix Mat, we create high-quality timber mats to meet the unique needs of the gas and oil industry, wind farms, and electrical transmission line projects. Our customers receive high-quality products that enable them to operate more efficiently in their industries, whether establishing durable job site roadways, protecting existing city infrastructure, or creating solid bases for operating equipment. Our manufacturing operation is based in Indiana, allowing us to serve customers across the Midwest.

Contact Phoenix Mat to get a quote and learn more about our range of products, including high-quality logging mats.

Image of a job site in Indiana where they're making logging mats.