Can You Use Timber Matting on Soft Ground?
September 30, 2022

Having the proper equipment is vital to the functionality of your job site. And, when dealing with varied landscapes, it can be difficult to know how exactly your materials will fair from site to site. In fact, one of the biggest problems project managers face is maintaining a budget and time allowance when dealing with low-density and soft ground project sites.

Construction mats are an important solution to many of the issues faced by logging and construction projects—and timber matting is one of the best, most reliable kinds of matting out there. However, when dealing with soft terrain, you may question its reliability.

If you’re wondering how timber matting will fare on soft ground, with years of experience supplying construction sites all over Indiana, our experts at Phoenix Mat have got you covered.

The basic benefits of timber mats.

Weather and terrain conditions vary between work sites—so should your materials. In rain, sleet, snow, or mud, any less than ideal conditions, timber matting can provide some much-needed stability and traction—ensuring your expensive machinery doesn’t get stuck in the weeds. Additionally, timber mats are a lot more flexible than their synthetic counterparts and with the proper care can last up to four years.

As your build site changes, so does your matting, and timber mats are uniquely predisposed to adapt to a changing landscape. Timber mats also help protect the environment you’re working on, as they can limit erosion and ground damage. No matter the ground-type, repeated use of heavy machinery in one area is destined to make deep tracks, timber matting can prevent that.

In an active construction site, groundwater is particularly prone to contamination. Timber mats can help prevent this too by providing an extra layer between your equipment and the ground, giving local waterways some breathing room.

How does soft ground affect a build site?

Working with soft ground can be treacherous and pose a myriad of geotechnical as well as project perils. When working on soft ground, you’re at a much higher risk for slope instability and bearing capacity failure, as well as excessive settlement both during and after construction.

One of the biggest problems soft ground construction sites face, is stability. With soft ground, it’s harder to implement typical stability measures both during and after construction. Given this, construction mats are more important than ever during a soft ground project's lifetime.

Given the increased risk associated with working on soft ground, it’s vital to ensure you’re using the very best materials every step of the way.

How effective are timber mats on soft ground?

Yes, working on soft ground can be a bit of a treacherous ordeal, however the right materials can go a long way in securing the legitimacy of your project site.

Luckily, timber mats are highly effective on soft ground.

Timber mats are sturdy and capable of providing traction in even the worst environments. Moreover, timber mats are much more light weight than crane or laminate mats, for example, making them less prone to ground damage. Comprised of organic matter, timber mats integrate into a project site’s environment much smoother than other synthetic materials—providing stability when it’s needed and flexibility when it’s not.

Contact Phoenix Mat to order timber matting in Indiana and across the Midwest.

Whether you operate heavy machinery or work with clean energy projects like windmills, hydro energy, or electrical transmission lines, Phoenix Mat is eager to provide you with the very best construction mats in the game. Our mats have withstood even the most brutal working conditions, all the while supporting your equipment and machinery throughout the life cycle of a project.

Contact our team to get a custom quote from Phoenix Mat for timber mats today.

Can You Use Timber Matting on Soft Ground?